Suicide is a third leading cause of death among youngsters, age 12 to 25 in our society. And the depression is associated with an increased risk of suicidal behavior. This risk may rise, particularly
among males, if conduct disorder and drugs or other substance abuse
accompanies the depression. During research, it has been scrutinized that, even a small child of class “NURSERY” becomes depressed when a friend who is really close to him moves away. As a result, that particular child adapts bossy nature and becomes morose and moody, the child can lose interest in studies and looses his/her appetite and starts to do things that make other people to stay away from that child. An example of such a situation appeared on female student. At the age of 12 she appeared to be helpless and unhappy. She seemed unable to handle the ups and downs of daily life at home or in school and when faced with stress, often cried, “I hate my life.” What seems to be the problem with our next generation? Yes! Depression, it can be seen as a wide spread disease in our society especially among youngsters. Teenagers have their own self-created problems and they have their own un-limited requirements and desires to be fulfilled
anyhow and in any situation. Actually, the shock of depression is aptly described as “whole body illness.” as it involves not only changes in mood but also influences every area of a child’s life, as well. Who can take measures to control this problem? Definitely! Parents, they are the only medicine to cure such a disease. Parents should keep in touch with the behaviors of their child and his/her
doings. To solve the problems of their child, parents have the responsibility to escort their child to the right path and protect them like the clouds preventing acid rain (sins) to fall on them. It’s not surprising that some children are driven to crime because of
committing anti-social behavior, violence and deprivation and surviving in depressive atmosphere causing explosion of terror. What is the responsibility of our community? We should have proper solutions to the reasons behind the statistics that provide preventative support and guidance that leads children to the right path and away from the cycle of crime and
custody. Neglect, isolation and abuse can sometimes make home so unbearable that the only solution to the problem is to run away……… Every year 20% of the youngsters, on purpose, run away from their homes and due to the pathetic atmosphere around them, they adapt habits like begging, stealing and even killing and prostitutions to survive. It had been scrutinized that from the early stage when a child went to school he found ignorance, boredom and favourism in class and outside the school he adapted bad habits, for instance, ridiculous language, deceiving, pulling other people’s legs and stealing and at home negletion, strict rules to be followed and unlively atmosphere. As a result, slowly and gradually these small particles can appear in the form of explosives that can easily blast any time with a little shock of depression! Precisely! Depression is spreading like a widespread disease swiftly in life today, then in the past decades. Frequent complain of vague, physical symptoms such as head-aches and stomach-aches for which no medical causes can be found, because depression affects the ability to think and concentrate. In teenagers moodiness, poor self-esteem and school failure makes them to fall in an undesirable throng abusive drugs and run a foul of family and societal rules. The result? Problems that might otherwise be corrected and solved with the treatment that may escalate out of control. If you have noticed symptoms of depression in your child or adolescents, do not ignore your concerns in the hope that the problem will simply vanish away as the time passes. It can be a sign of a contagious disease, which, if left untreated can result as an enormous pain and enduring to both the child and his/her parents. Discuss the problems with your child, take them in a confidence, be their friends and escort them and counsel them to the right path, talk to their teachers and take help from them and keep them busy in different creative works. Show them the positive way of spending a happy life, care for them and their small events and share your love with them to make your heaven’s wall crackles.
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