Students' stories of Fauji Foundation Model School Hyderabad

Bilal Chauhan (lX-FFMSHYD)

Shocking & Shaking

Pollution is increasing day by day .We often see but never do anything for it .As I am student so me and my friends decided to hold a cleanliness day and we did it by cleaning the area and plantation. You know that, the area we had selected was near to the two well known schools .We had selected this area because, we want create awareness among educated people, Isn’t it so funny?

After two days of cleaning and plantation we felt that we are inch closer to the success.
We all went back and share that happiest moment .We were feeling as flying in the sky.
After two days of holidays we saw that place very clean and a little flower was sprinkling. After few days when I was going back to home after school, I thought I should see that place may be I could see some more flowers but ……..soon a black shadow covered my face and I was totally in shocked to see that there was no plant anymore and the place was with double wastes and dirt. This intolerable scene made me crazy and I shook my bag with anger and found my eyes with tears and sorrow.
Who is responsible for this?
If education is only in the book and school is just building then we should not blame each other. I came back home and called my friends that we will not stop here.
People in the big houses and administrator often talked about betterment of our country but never implement on it.
Well this is the misery of our country that illiterate person can’t understand and educated person can’t do any thing.
